Designer Series Paper, Digital stamps, Prismacolour pencils, Ribbons

Festive Friday

On the day I made this card I decided to get all the Christmas stash out of the boxes and have a sort …

Yes lots of mess! Well actually not too much was mess it just needed organising and once I had done that I had a neat little stack of projects I could easily put together … and this card was one of them!

The image was already coloured and cut out and just needed a white mount and the background papers and panel were already stuck together from an old Kendra’s card making challenge that I never finished … literally was a case of assembling and sticking to a card base.

Added the sticker sentiment, the thread bow and the card Candi… called it done!

There was even a piece of the paper with a mat I could stick inside the card!

Quick and easy festive Friday make … and yes in the same session I managed another few cards so that’s future festive Friday projects I can share with you and feel good I got some bits and bobs from the stash used up!

Happy crafting!


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